"Trip to the doctor today has lead us to the conclusion we will more than likely start more talk about surgery. Waiting on a call back from GI on what move she wants to make next. I would like a endoscopy to see the damage to his esophagus to see if surgery is absolutely necessary or if there is some other move we can make to help heal the wounds the acid reflux has made. It has also been a year since our last upper GI maybe theres another underlying cause to his spitting up that the upper GI would be able to show...not sure but I wish nothing but a problem free 2014 for this little man. No mother likes to see her baby have to go through so much and always admire the fact he just carries on with his tiny little voice, his charming personality, and addictive adorable smile despite the poking and prodding and appointment after appointment. Children are so resiliant..he is definitely my hero.
On a positive note..WE GAINED A POUND!! whoo hoo that was with clothes on so it might be a tiny bit less but still..progress!"