Hi everyone! I know, I know. It's been such a long time! How have you all been? Life as a three year old can be pretty hectic! So much has happened since we last talked! Let me try and update you a wee bit.
My preschool was involved in the Gifted Games again! OMG! I love running! I think I want to be a track star when I grow up. Like when I'm four. Do you remember when I had a walker? Run run run, as fast as you can..you can't catch me, I'm the Wyatt Man! I've posted a video on my therapy page to show my gait, how the issues with my muscles affect my walking and running. Mom thinks it's important for us to share details about development physically so our friends can learn.
My preschool was involved in the Gifted Games again! OMG! I love running! I think I want to be a track star when I grow up. Like when I'm four. Do you remember when I had a walker? Run run run, as fast as you can..you can't catch me, I'm the Wyatt Man! I've posted a video on my therapy page to show my gait, how the issues with my muscles affect my walking and running. Mom thinks it's important for us to share details about development physically so our friends can learn.

I experienced a real tragedy for a couple months. It was devastating. My blankie VANISHED. this was not your average everyday blankie. This was THE ONE. Mom tried new blankies and even sewed me one with a similar pattern, bless her heart. But it wasn't the same. There are almost three years of memories embedded in that scrap of fabric! How many of you know what I'm talking about? Do YOU have a lovey? A bear? A favorite toy? Man, it was tough. But then...randomly walking past the office at my brother's school, Mom saw blankie folded up on a desk. Could it be? Hallelujah! Reunited and it feels so goooood!

We are excited to report improvement in my eyesight! Part of the chromosome 3 deletion appeared for me as strabismus as a baby and extremely poor vision. Here what Mom said after this last appointment, "Wyatt had quite the eye doctor appt. the other day but we survived and got some amazing news..one of his eyes went from a +6 to a +4.5! Quite the change and quite the difference from his other eye which is at a +6.5" . The best part is figuring out that transitional lenses make me feel SAFE and perhaps help with the sensitivity I have about wearing these dang things. What a great concept! I'm keeping them on MUCH more than I used to. Although there was that one unfortunate episode where I threw them out the car window....I think I would still be on time out if Mom hadn't spent an hour looking in the weeds and found them!
I don't care what you say..there is no way that was a vanilla milkshake in that sippy cup. You guys are crazy! I know barium when I see it! I've been around the block a few times and you can't pull the rug over MY eyes! Although I am gaining weight and feeling pretty good about eating (I love it, actually), there is still an issue with my swallowing and aspiration:
"Was a little crazy as to be expected..I mean who doesn't love to be strapped down with cameras and doctors all around you shooting barium down your throat..Poor sweet boy! He wasn't in the best of moods so we didn't receive a full report then but unfortunately they did see penetration and this time on nectar consistency I'm just not sure why we went down hill but I am just so thankful we have not had any pnemonia - we are truly blessed! They literally told us to not bother getting another done until he is not coughing on water which I can't even imagine when that will be so I suppose that will be our last fluroscopy for a while. Should get a detailed report and call from GI soon. For now up our thickener and count our blessings. Trip back up there tomorrow to see pulmonology.."
"Was a little crazy as to be expected..I mean who doesn't love to be strapped down with cameras and doctors all around you shooting barium down your throat..Poor sweet boy! He wasn't in the best of moods so we didn't receive a full report then but unfortunately they did see penetration and this time on nectar consistency I'm just not sure why we went down hill but I am just so thankful we have not had any pnemonia - we are truly blessed! They literally told us to not bother getting another done until he is not coughing on water which I can't even imagine when that will be so I suppose that will be our last fluroscopy for a while. Should get a detailed report and call from GI soon. For now up our thickener and count our blessings. Trip back up there tomorrow to see pulmonology.."