Also went to the Pulmonary Specialist up at Lucile Packard! I really liked him! We took a chest x-ray and LO AND BEHOLD, my lungs looked pretty darn good! We were checking for food particles or any sign that the aspirating may be a threat to my breathing system. The Lung Doctor said that he thought the aspirating may be a side effect of my reflux and be something I outgrow!! We will check back in with him, but a GREAT report!
Sorry to say that all this running around really pooped my out for Therapy this week. Poor Tami! I think she's the bestest Occupational Therapist in the Universe but I was ready to nap and everyone wanted me to exercise! Give a guy a break! Oh well, next week I will do better!
We went to the beach yesterday with Gramma and I can definitely see the benefit of learning to walk. I rolled around in the sand and my face looked like a sugar cookie. Does NOT taste good! Bleah! My big brother, Carter, showed me the shells and sticks and seaweed pillows he found. Can't wait for him to teach me to build sand castles!!
Look forward to sharing more good reports with you soon! Peace Out!