Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Tums! Really! You would think someone this dashing and brave would be able to keep food down at night! I can' t even blame it on too much rum because I don't know what rum is! Mom is becoming concerned because I keep losing my cookies, but only at night. Is this related to reflux? Is it a dietary issue? The flu that is lasting a long time? Remember, I am just a lean little man, so losing meals doesn't help me feel like the big, bad buccaneer that I know I am! We are visiting the doctor today to hopefully find some answers.
It seems like lots of Chromosome Challenged Kids have reflux issues. Any advice you'd like to share?
It seems like lots of Chromosome Challenged Kids have reflux issues. Any advice you'd like to share?

On the POSITIVE side. Guess who learned how to POINT. It took me three years and all kinds of hard work and therapy but CHECK IT OUT! This is really big news, people. From not being able to unclench my fists normally to being able to show my Mom something special. I'm super proud of my self this month for sure!
Speaking of therapy, be sure to check out my mom's newest brilliant idea for balance and open-handedness work (or so she says!) just click on the Therapy tab and scroll to the bottom!