What a day yesterday! Wow! We met Gramma at 6 am for coffee and the hour long drive to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Not only did they refuse to buy me coffee (what's up with Gatorade and Jello for breakfast?), the traffic made the drive 45 minutes longer! Anyway, we checked in on time and as you can see, I had a blast racing through the waiting room at the Ford Surgery Center.

Once inside, I got a little nervous. Here was one of those funky nightgown things again. Uh oh. Mom held me and told me it was all going to be just fine. The anesthesiologist gave me a little "happy juice" to relax me and make it easier for them to give me the mask that would make me sleep through the surgery. Everyone was very nice, though, and if I wasn't so groggy, I would have loved flirting a bit more.

On the agenda for the day was the installation of tubes in my ears to help drain the fluid they found was accumulating. That part was going to be pretty quick, it's a very common procedure for kids of ALL abilities. One of the common traits for kids with my chromosome deletion is hearing loss or problems. So while I was asleep, the Auditory Brain Stem Response test would be performed. THAT part would take a bit longer. I really like that the doctors let Mom stay with me until I was fast asleep. AND I could keep my blankie. I love my blankie!
Although it seemed like forever to Mom and Gramma, almost four hours later I was all done and in recovery! SUCCESS! Dr. Cheng said the tubes were a piece of cake and best of all, the ABR showed my hearing ability to be GREAT. That means my brain is processing sound normally! Hallelujah! I was all ready to go home and see if the tubes made things clearer!
You would think that would be the happily-ever-after part but OH NO! I made it most of the way home and then started to be very sick to my stomach. (Sorry about the car, Gramma). I felt really, really yukky. I got very hot, pale, shaky and was really out of it. Mom ended up taking me to Salinas to the ER to make sure I was OK. My temp was 103 ! A reaction to anaesthesia? Not sure. But man, what a day! We didn't get home until very late. Mom and the doctors know that because my deletion is rare, they don't really know how I will react to each new situation. They always have to be cautious and prepared to act, just in case my body responds in a way they don't expect. Thank you Mom, for taking such good care of me! I promise to try and let you sleep in! Thank you also to my peeps up at Lucile Packard!
High Five Everyone!!
You would think that would be the happily-ever-after part but OH NO! I made it most of the way home and then started to be very sick to my stomach. (Sorry about the car, Gramma). I felt really, really yukky. I got very hot, pale, shaky and was really out of it. Mom ended up taking me to Salinas to the ER to make sure I was OK. My temp was 103 ! A reaction to anaesthesia? Not sure. But man, what a day! We didn't get home until very late. Mom and the doctors know that because my deletion is rare, they don't really know how I will react to each new situation. They always have to be cautious and prepared to act, just in case my body responds in a way they don't expect. Thank you Mom, for taking such good care of me! I promise to try and let you sleep in! Thank you also to my peeps up at Lucile Packard!
High Five Everyone!!