Guess what! I started preschool! That's right! Can you believe it? I must be really smart to start school before my big brother does! Mom took me to meet my teachers and therapists yesterday who helped develop an IFSP for me with realistic goals and ways of tracking my development from all angles. I have no clue what IFSP stands for..how about...
Yep, that'll work. I'm looking forward to my new school twice a week, making new friends and learning to be the best ME I can be! Yippee!
Gramma said she really liked this picture of my first day because she sees that my hands are open, one of the things we have been working on in therapy. I still have a tight fist sometimes, like when I crawl, but the exercises we do have really made a difference in my fingers opening up. It's amazing!
It was also my Mommy's birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday Mommy! I love you!
Yep, that'll work. I'm looking forward to my new school twice a week, making new friends and learning to be the best ME I can be! Yippee!
Gramma said she really liked this picture of my first day because she sees that my hands are open, one of the things we have been working on in therapy. I still have a tight fist sometimes, like when I crawl, but the exercises we do have really made a difference in my fingers opening up. It's amazing!
It was also my Mommy's birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday Mommy! I love you!