- I would like to decipher the mysteries of the potty chair and what it means for me. Thus far my curiosity and enthusiasm has not resulted in much success but I am definitely getting the picture.
- Talk, talk, talk! You should hear me now! I am repeating EVERYTHING and really communicating my needs.
- I vow to do my best in therapy, particularly with stretching and working my muscles. I know sometimes it takes hard work to see progress but it does work!
- I will work with Mom & Dad and doctors to figure out my tummy issues, reflux and weight. Some days are just better than others right now, but I see that they are worried and I want that concerned look to go away!
- I will try hard not to yell at Mom and be sassy or throw things at my brother when I am ticked off or otherwise act like a three year old. Oh, wait. I AM a three year old. Never mind.
- We all resolve to continue to help others in any way possible to understand, accept and work with chromosome disorders. We have met so many kind, supportive peeps! Gotta always pay it forward!