First Grade is a huge success story for me. I was going to a special ed class in a great school that was in another city a half an hour away because that was all that was available for me. My mom and the teachers and my whole team worked really hard to have me transferred to the school in my town - to the same school as my big brother! I am now in a regular First Grade class but I have an aide and am able to go to special ed during the day, too. I am still learning the ropes. Sometimes it is super hard for me to SIT and hang out and I want to go for walks and say hello to everyone. But I am trying! It's just so COOL that I have a chance to try. Isn't that amazing!
Gammy promises we will work on adding more to the site, I really want to continue to share my story so new friends can see how all the hard work I have done has really helped me grow and be the best ME I can be! Look for more news soon but in the meantime, give yourself a high five and have a happy holidays!